Our Team

Diverse Perspectives United Around Shared Values™

The LongRange Capital team has significant investing and operating experience in large-cap and middle market companies across multiple industries, utilizing flexible capital and solutions to make better businesses over the long-term.

Core Values
Robert (Bob) Berlin
Robert (Bob) Berlin
Founder and Managing Partner
Michele Reing
Michele Reing
Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operating Officer, and Chief Compliance Officer
Sunny Patel
Sunny Patel
Managing Director
Mike Houy
Mike Houy
Managing Director
Andrew Cialino
Andrew Cialino
Principal, Head of Business Development
Austin Marcus
Austin Marcus
Vice President
Damir Babic
Damir Babic
Senior Associate
Vivaan Dave
Vivaan Dave
Senior Associate
Samantha Krutal
Samantha Krutal
Kelly Tierney
Kelly Tierney
Investor Relations Manager
Ryan Zuccala
Ryan Zuccala
Abhishek Shankar
Abhishek Shankar
Ben Coffaro
Ben Coffaro
Kelly McConachie
Kelly McConachie
Executive Assistant
Latoya Bailey
Latoya Bailey
Executive Assistant
Andrew  Neumeyer
Andrew Neumeyer
Private Equity Assistant

Diverse Perspectives United Around Shared Values™
