Our Companies

Our Initiatives in Action

Regardless of ownership position, location, company size, or investment level, we thrive to deliver a practical and differentiated approach and associated solutions.  Over multi-decade careers, our principals have accumulated significant experience in many sectors and investment types. Our collaborative work style, non-financial engineering approach, multi-sector and situational experience, tailored capital flexibility, and willingness to identify solutions through multiple, differentiated perspectives set us apart.

Current Portfolio

Alpin Unlimited

Representative Historical Investments*

Family Business Recapitalization
Family Business Recapitalization
  • Location: Europe
  • Sector: Consumer - Packaged food and meats
  • Ownership position: Minority
  • Deal Dynamics: Recapitalization to support two founders in repurchasing equity from constraining institutional owners
Corporate Carveout
Corporate Carveout
  • Location: US
  • Sector: Restaurants
  • Ownership position: Majority
  • Deal Dynamics: Carveout of a business that had been declining for the previous five years
Acquisition Support
Acquisition Support
  • Location: Europe
  • Sector: Specialty Chemicals
  • Ownership position: Minority
  • Deal Dynamics: Acquisition support for a business in a previously failed sale process from a liquidating investment fund
Corporate Carveout
Corporate Carveout
  • Location: US
  • Sector: Restaurants
  • Ownership Position: Significant minority
  • Deal Dynamics: Carveout of a business that enabled the public parent to remove the declining business that had been overshadowing its growing segments
Family-owned Transaction
Family-owned Transaction
  • Location: Canada
  • Sector: Auto Parts & Equipment
  • Ownership Position: Majority
  • Deal Dynamics: Purchased an industrial company from a founder’s estate
Corporate Carveout
Corporate Carveout
  • Location: Europe
  • Sector: Specialty Chemicals 
  • Ownership Position: Majority
  • Deal Dynamics: Carveout with global operations in 24 locations

* Note: The investments above are representative of the types of investments LongRange can invest in. These investments were led by a senior member of the LongRange team prior to the formation of LongRange in unrelated entities in which the individual was a principal.